3 Books to Master JavaScript

3 Books to Master JavaScript

JavaScript is currently one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Its various front-end and back-end frameworks like ReactJS and NodeJS are used widely to develop interactive web apps.

As a developer, it only makes sense to learn and master JavaScript.

So here are the three best books to master JavaScript

Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming by Marijn Haverbeke


I am personally using this book to learn JavaScript. As the title suggest this book is the introduction to programming through javascript which does the best job especially for beginners.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, by David Flanagan


This book by David Flanagan is an excellent reference guide for people who are past the basics. This is one of the good books to go if you want to learn beyond basics.

Learn JavaScript VISUALLY, by Ivelin Demirov


As the name suggests it takes a very visual approach to learn the language. This book is for absolute beginners and it is also quite short.

This were my list of JavaScript books.

Have a good day!